Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Same-Sex Marriages

Love, happiness, and marriage are rights that everybody is entitled to. My divorce-attorney father may say that those may not come all together, but every person should at least have the right to experience them.

The first article discussed the religious, procreation, and historical pros of same-sex marriages. One influential point the article made was: “The Supreme Court has declared that marriage is a basic civil right, older than the Constitution itself. When civil rights are at stake there is no such thing as deserving them; they are intrinsic to our very way of life.” Regarding the cons of same-sex marriages, some reasons why it should not be allowed are as follows: income taxes, social security, and medical insurance premiums will rise, children will be indoctrinated, and the workplace will try to indoctrinate workers. However, the monetary issues the article brings up are mainly hypothetical. In addition, indoctrinating children and workers is not a con—people should be accepting of this lifestyle even if they choose not to participate in it.

The first article regarding the pros of same-sex marriage was more convincing than the opposing article. The pro-article supported the arguments with specific examples; one specifically regarding the point of procreation claimed that fertility tests have never been required in order to receive a marriage license—couples are allowed to marry when the woman is beyond child bearing age or a spouse is on their death bed. Therefore, it is unfair to make the argument that same-sex couples will prevent procreation due to the inability to conceive. Many heterosexual couples are unable to conceive, or even choose not to conceive. There is always the option to adopt for homosexual couples.

I have always supported same-sex marriage, so my opinion has not changed. Based on the articles, I now support same-sex marriage even more. It’s unfair to deprive people of the right to express their love and commitment to one another. Although some may be shocked by the idea at first, accepting the idea of same-sex marriages will likely become more socially acceptable as time goes on. More and more we exclude less and less.

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